Game #6 : Galactic Gladiators

Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 30 November 2021, 0h57
Recruiting: People of all races not afraid of some bruises & burns. You can come alone, or in pairs, or in teams of 3.
We accept the following races : Koracis, Cygrans, Humans, Wodanites, Froglodyte, Dulbians, Zorcans. Other races on a case-by-case basis.
State your two favorite weapons between these :
- Melee stun weapon
- Melee blade weapon (we will provide you with the one most adapted to your species)
- Gaper [Stun grenade]
- Gemstone [Explosive grenade]
- Phasors [range]
- Heat Ray Gun [anti-obstacle], discouraged as they do nothing against people.
Also tell us which kind of armor you prefer :
- None
- Light (slow down a bit - too heavy for Koraci)
- Heavy (protects 100% more than light, but slow down 50% more- too heavy for Koraci, Cygnian and Human)
We remind you that in an arena, the following skills are useful
- Strength allows you to use heavier weapons, to sustain more damage and makes you harder to stun
- Dexterity allows you to actually hit people. If you dexterity is low, they may just dodge you !
- Endurance is important to avoid being exhausted in the middle of combat ; forcing you to stop to rest
- Speed is of course critical for movement, but it also makes you move first. You can even move away from someone trying to hit you, making him, or her, or it misses his, or her, or its attack !
Recruiting: People of all races not afraid of some bruises & burns. You can come alone, or in pairs, or in teams of 3.
We accept the following races : Koracis, Cygrans, Humans, Wodanites, Froglodyte, Dulbians, Zorcans. Other races on a case-by-case basis.
State your two favorite weapons between these :
- Melee stun weapon
- Melee blade weapon (we will provide you with the one most adapted to your species)
- Gaper [Stun grenade]
- Gemstone [Explosive grenade]
- Phasors [range]
- Heat Ray Gun [anti-obstacle], discouraged as they do nothing against people.
Also tell us which kind of armor you prefer :
- None
- Light (slow down a bit - too heavy for Koraci)
- Heavy (protects 100% more than light, but slow down 50% more- too heavy for Koraci, Cygnian and Human)
We remind you that in an arena, the following skills are useful
- Strength allows you to use heavier weapons, to sustain more damage and makes you harder to stun
- Dexterity allows you to actually hit people. If you dexterity is low, they may just dodge you !
- Endurance is important to avoid being exhausted in the middle of combat ; forcing you to stop to rest
- Speed is of course critical for movement, but it also makes you move first. You can even move away from someone trying to hit you, making him, or her, or it misses his, or her, or its attack !

Quote from baud on 30 November 2021, 1h38I'd take a Cygnian, with melee blade weapon, because I like the idea of an ostrich running around and shanking people.
Though their name suspiciously sound like cygne, swan in French, so maybe that wasn't the right comparison
I'd take a Cygnian, with melee blade weapon, because I like the idea of an ostrich running around and shanking people.
Though their name suspiciously sound like cygne, swan in French, so maybe that wasn't the right comparison
Quote from CaptainGrimlock on 30 November 2021, 3h47Hello! Happy to be here.
I’ll take a Koraci with a phasor and a gemstone.
Hello! Happy to be here.
I’ll take a Koraci with a phasor and a gemstone.

Quote from Andnjord on 30 November 2021, 12h35I'm getting irresistible images of the 2000's overweight fedora master from the Zorcon. While YOU were running around being a space hero, HE was studying the blade, obviously. And heavy armour, what do you think all the fat is here for if not for protection.
*Tips hat and nods* "M'lady"
EDIT: Oh, and the Heat Ray Gun. If the government is discouraging us from using it, then it HAS to be good.
I'm getting irresistible images of the 2000's overweight fedora master from the Zorcon. While YOU were running around being a space hero, HE was studying the blade, obviously. And heavy armour, what do you think all the fat is here for if not for protection.
*Tips hat and nods* "M'lady"
EDIT: Oh, and the Heat Ray Gun. If the government is discouraging us from using it, then it HAS to be good.
Quote from Brutus Trump on 30 November 2021, 12h44Brutus Trump was a peaceful Dulbian. He had long withstood the tauntings that the other species inflicted on the "dumb" Dulbians. He wanted to get his bloodlust out. After seeing this poster, and getting someone to read it to him, (It wasn't interesting enough for him to read.) decided to become a gladiator. He applied to take a melee blade weapon and the new phasor gun. He had light armor, also.
By the time he was done with them, the humans would bow to the dulbians.
Brutus Trump was a peaceful Dulbian. He had long withstood the tauntings that the other species inflicted on the "dumb" Dulbians. He wanted to get his bloodlust out. After seeing this poster, and getting someone to read it to him, (It wasn't interesting enough for him to read.) decided to become a gladiator. He applied to take a melee blade weapon and the new phasor gun. He had light armor, also.
By the time he was done with them, the humans would bow to the dulbians.

Quote from Dayyalu on 30 November 2021, 20h38Wodanite. I don't particularly like the Nordic Gods naming, so he'll be Skosveinn. If the OP disagrees, Mimir was always a favourite of mine.
Heavy Armour. Gemstone. And a mace. A big un. (Melee Stun Weapon).
Wodanite. I don't particularly like the Nordic Gods naming, so he'll be Skosveinn. If the OP disagrees, Mimir was always a favourite of mine.
Heavy Armour. Gemstone. And a mace. A big un. (Melee Stun Weapon).

Quote from Strange Fellow on 30 November 2021, 22h57I am of course a Froglodyte, I prefer a Gemstone and a Phasor, and I'll take heavy armour since I'm going ranged.
Behold as I immediately expire.
I am of course a Froglodyte, I prefer a Gemstone and a Phasor, and I'll take heavy armour since I'm going ranged.
Behold as I immediately expire.

Quote from Andnjord on 30 November 2021, 23h03Leave it to our ‘peculiar’ group to be presented with 7 possible choices and to give exactly 6 different answers out of 6 people!
Leave it to our ‘peculiar’ group to be presented with 7 possible choices and to give exactly 6 different answers out of 6 people!

Quote from Strange Fellow on 30 November 2021, 23h39Quote from Andnjord on 30 November 2021, 23h03Leave it to our ‘peculiar’ group to be presented with 7 possible choices and to give exactly 6 different answers out of 6 people!
Also known as one correct answer and five incorrect ones. I mean look at this!
You're all in terrible trouble, you can tell by the look in his eyes. My eyes. Or the enemies are. Whoever I'm fighting. Whatever. Point is, there is none more fearsome than the mighty Froglodyte. Tremble, before the Froglodyte!
Quote from Andnjord on 30 November 2021, 23h03Leave it to our ‘peculiar’ group to be presented with 7 possible choices and to give exactly 6 different answers out of 6 people!
Also known as one correct answer and five incorrect ones. I mean look at this!
You're all in terrible trouble, you can tell by the look in his eyes. My eyes. Or the enemies are. Whoever I'm fighting. Whatever. Point is, there is none more fearsome than the mighty Froglodyte. Tremble, before the Froglodyte!

Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 1 December 2021, 0h23So, here are our gladiators :
- Our ostrich with a bad attitude : Baud. Baud did not choose a secondary weapon, so I went with the gaper [a stun grenade], so one minute you see an angry ostrich running at you, then you hear a loud bang, and then you see an angry ostrich stabbing you in the face. With a laser sword.
Description of the laser sword in the manual : Laser swords are somewhat similar to those devices in Star Wars. 0 for Creativity, SSI
Description of the gaper ? Wait, there is a lot of text, so I will paste an image :
- Then we have "Captain" Grimlock. Or rather Grimloc, because not enough characters are allowed in the field.
Sadly, "Captain Grimlock" is not strong enough to use grenades, so I gave him a stun wand as a back-up weapon. Description of the stun wand : "The Stun Wand is a Koraci invention. It sets up a neural block that temporarily paralyzes the target". Good thing it is a Koraci weapon, we would not want to do an alien appropriation. In any case, if he is in melee he is probably dead anyway, so I envision him barking orders from the back. Hence "Captain".
- Andnjord. He has an heavy disruptor, which is actually the strongest melee weapon in the game (almost twice the damage of the Star War sword). Because while you were playing with unlicensed material, he mastered the disruptor.
Description of the Heavy Disruptor in the manual : "Same as a disruptor, but more powerful." Hope this was useful.
As for the Heat Ray Gun : Good news it never misses (in my tests). Bad news it does not do anything against organic (aka : people). But it removes obstacles :
- Rutus Trump. Not "Brutus", because the B is already taken. He also has a heavy disruptor, but also a phaser rifle. What is a phaser rifle you ask ? "The same as a phaser, but more powerful" Voilà.
- Skosveinn, with a stun wand and a gemstone. Given the stun wand does not do damage and the gemstone can be only used once, I am looking forward to seeing him kill enemies with his bare hands. With some luck, he can kill a Koraci in two punches !
Description of Gemstone : "Gemstones are like Gapers in most ways, but instead of setting up a neural field of virtual particles, they explode in a shower of annihilating particles, an explosion that is powerful enough to overcome any built-in defense." The description is fancy, but they do less damage than an heavy disruptor. Still, they would outright kill or put out of commission Baud or Captain Grimloc on a full hit.
- Finally, we have Fellow. Not "Strange Fellow" because Dayyalu's stole the "S" for no good reason. Gemstone and phasor rifle. <Yawn>.
So a few intel :
- I will wait until this week-end to see how many players with have, and depending on this I will do different things
- Your characters can increase in experience and skill. They can be wounded. They can die. Hey, just like modern tactical games !
- Grenades can be used once by battle, and then those of you with no range weapons may have to hit their targets with their bare-hands, if they are cornered. Before you ask, there is no damage bonus due to strength, and hit-chance are based on weapon skill and dexterity. Strength only allows to take heavier stuff, like disruptors.
So, here are our gladiators :
- Our ostrich with a bad attitude : Baud. Baud did not choose a secondary weapon, so I went with the gaper [a stun grenade], so one minute you see an angry ostrich running at you, then you hear a loud bang, and then you see an angry ostrich stabbing you in the face. With a laser sword.
Description of the laser sword in the manual : Laser swords are somewhat similar to those devices in Star Wars. 0 for Creativity, SSI
Description of the gaper ? Wait, there is a lot of text, so I will paste an image :
- Then we have "Captain" Grimlock. Or rather Grimloc, because not enough characters are allowed in the field.
Sadly, "Captain Grimlock" is not strong enough to use grenades, so I gave him a stun wand as a back-up weapon. Description of the stun wand : "The Stun Wand is a Koraci invention. It sets up a neural block that temporarily paralyzes the target". Good thing it is a Koraci weapon, we would not want to do an alien appropriation. In any case, if he is in melee he is probably dead anyway, so I envision him barking orders from the back. Hence "Captain".
- Andnjord. He has an heavy disruptor, which is actually the strongest melee weapon in the game (almost twice the damage of the Star War sword). Because while you were playing with unlicensed material, he mastered the disruptor.
Description of the Heavy Disruptor in the manual : "Same as a disruptor, but more powerful." Hope this was useful.
As for the Heat Ray Gun : Good news it never misses (in my tests). Bad news it does not do anything against organic (aka : people). But it removes obstacles :
- Rutus Trump. Not "Brutus", because the B is already taken. He also has a heavy disruptor, but also a phaser rifle. What is a phaser rifle you ask ? "The same as a phaser, but more powerful" Voilà.
- Skosveinn, with a stun wand and a gemstone. Given the stun wand does not do damage and the gemstone can be only used once, I am looking forward to seeing him kill enemies with his bare hands. With some luck, he can kill a Koraci in two punches !
Description of Gemstone : "Gemstones are like Gapers in most ways, but instead of setting up a neural field of virtual particles, they explode in a shower of annihilating particles, an explosion that is powerful enough to overcome any built-in defense." The description is fancy, but they do less damage than an heavy disruptor. Still, they would outright kill or put out of commission Baud or Captain Grimloc on a full hit.
- Finally, we have Fellow. Not "Strange Fellow" because Dayyalu's stole the "S" for no good reason. Gemstone and phasor rifle. <Yawn>.
So a few intel :
- I will wait until this week-end to see how many players with have, and depending on this I will do different things
- Your characters can increase in experience and skill. They can be wounded. They can die. Hey, just like modern tactical games !
- Grenades can be used once by battle, and then those of you with no range weapons may have to hit their targets with their bare-hands, if they are cornered. Before you ask, there is no damage bonus due to strength, and hit-chance are based on weapon skill and dexterity. Strength only allows to take heavier stuff, like disruptors.
Quote from CaptainGrimlock on 1 December 2021, 0h39Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 1 December 2021, 0h23Sadly, "Captain Grimlock" is not strong enough to use grenade,
The game knows me too well! Skynet is taking over!
Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 1 December 2021, 0h23Sadly, "Captain Grimlock" is not strong enough to use grenade,
The game knows me too well! Skynet is taking over!

Quote from Andnjord on 1 December 2021, 1h30Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 1 December 2021, 0h23
- Before you ask, there is no damage bonus due to strength, and hit-chance are based on weapon skill and dexterity. Strength only allows to take heavier stuff, like disruptors.
Welp, I foresee a lot of swinging my
big dickmasterfuly crafted blade around in vain.
Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 1 December 2021, 0h23
- Before you ask, there is no damage bonus due to strength, and hit-chance are based on weapon skill and dexterity. Strength only allows to take heavier stuff, like disruptors.
Welp, I foresee a lot of swinging my big dick masterfuly crafted blade around in vain.

Quote from Dayyalu on 1 December 2021, 20h20I may have taken suboptimal choices.
But REAL MEN, willing to test their mettle under Odin's gaze, merely stun their enemies and choke their life with their bare hands, a fitting sacrifice to the Old Gods of Terra.
I may have taken suboptimal choices.
But REAL MEN, willing to test their mettle under Odin's gaze, merely stun their enemies and choke their life with their bare hands, a fitting sacrifice to the Old Gods of Terra.

Quote from baud on 2 December 2021, 21h07Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 1 December 2021, 0h23Baud did not choose a secondary weapon
huh? Where did I miss that?
Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 30 November 2021, 0h57State your two favorite weapons between these :
oh right
Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 1 December 2021, 0h23Baud did not choose a secondary weapon
huh? Where did I miss that?
Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 30 November 2021, 0h57State your two favorite weapons between these :
oh right

Quote from Andnjord on 3 December 2021, 14h47Quote from baud on 2 December 2021, 21h07Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 1 December 2021, 0h23Baud did not choose a secondary weapon
huh? Where did I miss that?
Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 30 November 2021, 0h57State your two favorite weapons between these :
oh right
[QUOTE="baud, post: 6775036, member: 22873"][quote]gnnn? Did I miss something? [/quote]
Me today in meeting. And most likely tomorrow.[/QUOTE]Always are, always will be 🙂
Quote from baud on 2 December 2021, 21h07Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 1 December 2021, 0h23Baud did not choose a secondary weapon
huh? Where did I miss that?
Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 30 November 2021, 0h57State your two favorite weapons between these :
oh right

Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 4 December 2021, 14h56I. Introduction
"What were the odds" thought Captain Grimlock. "Just the day I made the big move."
He looked up at his bodyguard standing behind him - Rutus. "Does he know ? If so, did he already send a message so they can just pick me up ?" He turned his head and tried to scrutinize the face of the Dulbian - in vain of course. Dulbians have the best poker face.
"Maybe he knows and he just does not care ? Who knows, with Dulbians"
"In any case, all the minions of the Emperor must be already looking for me. For me and for the blueprints that I don't have anymore. And they won't believe me when I tell them it was stolen from me, too. And they won't like this."
"But the deal is not off yet with Madame Sacre. If I can find the blueprints back, I still can bring them to her, and then I'll have my ticket out of the Empire. It cannot have been mere coincidence that my suitcase got stolen just the day I took the good damn blueprints from Headquarters."
"It cannot have been a coincidence... and who else was interested in me recently.... yes, YES... it has to be them..."
"I think I know where they are. But getting them will not be easy. I need to find a group of fighters men ready to everything, but who would accept whatever fancy lies I feed them. Some people with no connection and really, truly, absolutely desperate..."
Captain Grimlock's gaze swept through the seedy bar. Where could he find such people ?
We start tomorrow :).
I. Introduction
"What were the odds" thought Captain Grimlock. "Just the day I made the big move."
He looked up at his bodyguard standing behind him - Rutus. "Does he know ? If so, did he already send a message so they can just pick me up ?" He turned his head and tried to scrutinize the face of the Dulbian - in vain of course. Dulbians have the best poker face.
"Maybe he knows and he just does not care ? Who knows, with Dulbians"
"In any case, all the minions of the Emperor must be already looking for me. For me and for the blueprints that I don't have anymore. And they won't believe me when I tell them it was stolen from me, too. And they won't like this."
"But the deal is not off yet with Madame Sacre. If I can find the blueprints back, I still can bring them to her, and then I'll have my ticket out of the Empire. It cannot have been mere coincidence that my suitcase got stolen just the day I took the good damn blueprints from Headquarters."
"It cannot have been a coincidence... and who else was interested in me recently.... yes, YES... it has to be them..."
"I think I know where they are. But getting them will not be easy. I need to find a group of fighters men ready to everything, but who would accept whatever fancy lies I feed them. Some people with no connection and really, truly, absolutely desperate..."
Captain Grimlock's gaze swept through the seedy bar. Where could he find such people ?
We start tomorrow :).

Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 5 December 2021, 1h08Part I : A Night to Remember
Fellow's gaze swept through the seedy bar. There was no one there, except some sort of Koraci exec', and his bodyguard behind him. Not police, that was the most important.
"Well, we made it".
"Whodowedonext boss ? Whatstheplan boss ?"
That was Baud of course. Hyperactive as always. But what plan ? Fellow had no plan. They were alive, that was enough for now. They escaped. They would not be any more foot soldiers in someone else's private army. They would create their own thing.
Then the door burst open and 4 humans entered the bar. Fellow recognized the leader immediately. How could he not - there was only one human that tall and that mean. They had not escaped after all.
The towering giant approached Fellow and his crew :
"Think you can leave the 'dex like that FeLlOw ? Crispy sent us ! You have made your choice, now face the consequence !”
In his corner, Captain Grimlock followed the development with interest. The four humans were clearly gang members - they meant a lot of trouble downhill. But the motley crew standing up to face the humans... maybe they were desperate enough.
And we START.
So ruleset, super-easy :
1. There are very few actions available. Choose one every turn among the following :
- Standing attack
- Full move (so between 2 and 6 tiles, depending on your speed)
- Half-move (rounded up) and attack (only in this order, no attack & movement)
- Half-move and dodge (15% less chance to be hit)- Change weapon. Yep, full turn. I will assume you have the correct weapon in your hands the first turn.
- Reload a phaser. Also full turn. So you can shoot a phaser only every 2 turns
- Rest (if out of breath, rare in my experience)
anddddd.... that's all.For the record, there is one tile horizontally between Fellow and the brute, and none vertically. There are 3 tiles between Andnjord and Baud.
2. Turns are simultaneous.
Standing attacks are resolved first, then movement, then move & attack. Characters with better speed do their attack first.
3. There is some hit chance calculation that is hidden in-game.
You ll have to trust your instinct, or calculate. Basically, it is calculated in percentage as
- 5 times your DEX,
- + 5 times your weapon skill (1 for now)
- - 5 times your opponent weapon skill
- - 5 times the distance for ranged weapon
- - 15% if the opponent is dodging
- Further modified slightly by how much you and your opponent moved during this turn, and modified a lot by cover.
Said otherwise, the base chance to hit for Captain Grimlock and Baud is 95% and 75%, whereas everyone else is around 30%, give or take 5%.
You can take cover behind obstacles: Green are minor covers, yellow are medium covers.
4. If you are next to an enemy at the beginning of a turn, both of you can only move 1 tile, whatever your speed is.
5. Damage :
- HP = Strength, so 6 for Captain Grimlock to 20 for Rutus and Andnjord. The humans should have around 13, except that big guy who should have... who knows, he IS big.
- At 3HP or less, a character is wounded and removed from the battle. He will recover.
- At 0HP or less, goodbye character.Damage goes from 3-5 for a phaser or a laser sword to 6-8 for a heavy disruptor, double that on a critical (that will be exceptional given the low experience of everyone involved).
Grenades [Gemstones] inflicts 10-14 where they land and 5-7 on all tiles around it. They tend to scatter (1/3 of chance to "scatter" every tile the grenade goes through as it flies toward its target). Note that gemstones (and gapers) are actually guided, so you can either aim at someone or aim somewhere, and if you aim at someone it will try to follow its move
Light armor reduces that by 2. Heavy armor by 4
Edit : Modified the starting position of Rutus, because he is so slow ^^
Part I : A Night to Remember
Fellow's gaze swept through the seedy bar. There was no one there, except some sort of Koraci exec', and his bodyguard behind him. Not police, that was the most important.
"Well, we made it".
"Whodowedonext boss ? Whatstheplan boss ?"
That was Baud of course. Hyperactive as always. But what plan ? Fellow had no plan. They were alive, that was enough for now. They escaped. They would not be any more foot soldiers in someone else's private army. They would create their own thing.
Then the door burst open and 4 humans entered the bar. Fellow recognized the leader immediately. How could he not - there was only one human that tall and that mean. They had not escaped after all.
The towering giant approached Fellow and his crew :
"Think you can leave the 'dex like that FeLlOw ? Crispy sent us ! You have made your choice, now face the consequence !”
In his corner, Captain Grimlock followed the development with interest. The four humans were clearly gang members - they meant a lot of trouble downhill. But the motley crew standing up to face the humans... maybe they were desperate enough.
And we START.
So ruleset, super-easy :
1. There are very few actions available. Choose one every turn among the following :
- Standing attack
- Full move (so between 2 and 6 tiles, depending on your speed)
- Half-move (rounded up) and attack (only in this order, no attack & movement)
- Half-move and dodge (15% less chance to be hit)
- Change weapon. Yep, full turn. I will assume you have the correct weapon in your hands the first turn.
- Reload a phaser. Also full turn. So you can shoot a phaser only every 2 turns
- Rest (if out of breath, rare in my experience)
anddddd.... that's all.
For the record, there is one tile horizontally between Fellow and the brute, and none vertically. There are 3 tiles between Andnjord and Baud.
2. Turns are simultaneous.
Standing attacks are resolved first, then movement, then move & attack. Characters with better speed do their attack first.
3. There is some hit chance calculation that is hidden in-game.
You ll have to trust your instinct, or calculate. Basically, it is calculated in percentage as
- 5 times your DEX,
- + 5 times your weapon skill (1 for now)
- - 5 times your opponent weapon skill
- - 5 times the distance for ranged weapon
- - 15% if the opponent is dodging
- Further modified slightly by how much you and your opponent moved during this turn, and modified a lot by cover.
Said otherwise, the base chance to hit for Captain Grimlock and Baud is 95% and 75%, whereas everyone else is around 30%, give or take 5%.
You can take cover behind obstacles: Green are minor covers, yellow are medium covers.
4. If you are next to an enemy at the beginning of a turn, both of you can only move 1 tile, whatever your speed is.
5. Damage :
- HP = Strength, so 6 for Captain Grimlock to 20 for Rutus and Andnjord. The humans should have around 13, except that big guy who should have... who knows, he IS big.
- At 3HP or less, a character is wounded and removed from the battle. He will recover.
- At 0HP or less, goodbye character.
Damage goes from 3-5 for a phaser or a laser sword to 6-8 for a heavy disruptor, double that on a critical (that will be exceptional given the low experience of everyone involved).
Grenades [Gemstones] inflicts 10-14 where they land and 5-7 on all tiles around it. They tend to scatter (1/3 of chance to "scatter" every tile the grenade goes through as it flies toward its target). Note that gemstones (and gapers) are actually guided, so you can either aim at someone or aim somewhere, and if you aim at someone it will try to follow its move
Light armor reduces that by 2. Heavy armor by 4
Edit : Modified the starting position of Rutus, because he is so slow ^^
Quote from CaptainGrimlock on 5 December 2021, 1h43Wanting a better shot, CaptainGrimlock half-moves to just below Skosveinn, then fires his phaser at the human equipped with a Gemstone and light armour.
”No one interrupts my drinking time and gets away with it!”
Wanting a better shot, CaptainGrimlock half-moves to just below Skosveinn, then fires his phaser at the human equipped with a Gemstone and light armour.
”No one interrupts my drinking time and gets away with it!”

Quote from Andnjord on 5 December 2021, 2h23Time to whiteknight for my boss Fellow! *Tips fedora and nods before doing a full move toward the enemy*
Time to whiteknight for my boss Fellow! *Tips fedora and nods before doing a full move toward the enemy*

Quote from Dayyalu on 5 December 2021, 20h25*gurgling war cry because I was drinking a few seconds ago*
I Full Move near Fellow.
*gurgling war cry because I was drinking a few seconds ago*
I Full Move near Fellow.