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Recruiting crew for the B.S.M. Pandora maiden voyage !

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*checks manual* Ok, I guess we have a chance or two if the other crewmates don't fuck this up. I mean, four of of five Pods are okaysh and we have two men on the job. And three turns. It will work. Also, I can't do a thing on Level 2 because I don't have a suit and ....

Whatever. Gotta trust the other players. That never goes badly in MP, right? Whatever, I'll go hunting.


As our hero blasts into the alien-infested area of Level 3, a Radrod, an Eleboid and a Scorsaur welcome him.

Lemme check..... you're all murdercritters with extreme aggression and a couple of you have even the attack power to try it. And I truly did not want to know how the Eleboid species mate.


The Radrod is stunned and grabbed before the other two Xenos can react. The long walk towards the Restraint Pod starts, but the destiny of the ship is out of our valiant Maintenance Officer's hands...


DDG Ahab has reacted to this post.
DDG Ahab

I guess the most constructive thing to do would be to try and bring this Evabot to the pod Hesiod is trying so hard to repair.

I therefore take control of it...


...and bring it further east.

I tell Stroff that if he wants us to relay run the bot to level 2, he should not go too far with it when he does, so that I can reach it after I have caught my breath.

DDG Ahab has reacted to this post.
DDG Ahab

It's yellow!

Argyraspide and Porkbelly have reacted to this post.

I popped into the Con pod and immediately pressed Restart but got a boop noise and a "System Down" message.

Huh? Did I break it... I checked the pod again and, um, oops, maybe the Restart broke it... it's back at Red...

Um,.. Hesoid? Could you come back.. please? And can we get the bot down here!? This needs to be bright yellow, if not green.

If the EvaBot is repaired then I can remote control it with the DconCom but I can't do anything if someone else is moving it. I'm getting an "already used" message.

We also need folks in position in Comp, Con or Nav to be cranking the restart. I think it can take a while to get the system up, and we have minutes to go!

Dayyalu has reacted to this post.

Please try to get the pod to green before attempting a restart.

As for the Evabot, whether you control it remotely or we do it manually, it will be the same. Actually, it would be faster for us two on Level 1 to push it along one after the other.

Going to restrain the Xeno.... complete trust in my companions.... what can go wrong....


(I also did the Scribe's turn following his instructions, capturing the Abominid. If he changes his will I can replay the turn, it's not like I did much anyway in both cases. We're.... kinda fucked I fear.)

Porkbelly has reacted to this post.

I am still bringing the bot to the Con Pod, but I will probably be too late.

Keep trying to repair it!

Ok, so it's yellow with green, right? Or was it yellow with red? Damnit, sometimes being colorblind is the worst. Doc? Does this cable look yellow or green to you?


Cool, so maybe we can bash the restart button?

Yes.. yes..

Raskolnikov! I waited 100 seconds for that?

Quote from Argyraspide on 27 April 2022, 16h34

Please try to get the pod to green before attempting a restart.


Do we have a last turn or it's Cold, Cold space time?

Porkbelly has reacted to this post.

I think we're just about at the last turn now. BUT... The system is indeed up and ready for Restart!!!

I've chugged the starter twice, no luck yet, but no "System Down" message anymore.

Hesiod and I can keep trying from the Con pod. If you can make it to Comp we can all have a go.

100 points and a coconut to whomever has the golden touch!

Trust your MP mates.... they will not fuck up... Restrain the Xenos, get points, realize they're useless because no Stat improvements...get back to capture more aliens....

I suggest to simply crank the restart button and hope for the best. Repairing it for green could be an option, but we're running out of time. Repair and Restart can give us a degradation to Red status in both cases of critical failure, but I seriously feel we'll better crank the machine (it's two attempts par player if you're in position) and hope. Spes, ultima dea, as they say.

We don't have time for big-brained play here.

The Wargaming Scribe and Porkbelly have reacted to this post.
The Wargaming ScribePorkbelly

It is obviously impossible for me to bring the bot to the Con Pod quick enough to do any good.

I decide to double back and reach the Comp Pod console to attempt a restart from there...


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O cracked hull, thou titanium Pequod, thy twenty and one aegis coffins turned so far from the sun. Sink this metal hearse, for an earthly sepulture can't be mine. I spit my last



Oh, isn't that typical. Well, let the whale hunt recommence! Sure hope nothing bad happens to me!

The Wargaming Scribe, Dayyalu and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Wargaming ScribeDayyaluStrange FellowPorkbelly

WELL! That was a red wire / blue wire moment with seconds on the clock! This piece of junk still works.

So beastie clean-up duty remains, and I think they are mostly on Level 3... mostly.

I've taken control of the EvaBot and bringing it down thataways. Teleman out.


Hey, the emergency lights are off. This means the team has managed to reboot the ship, thank God. Now, time to recapture the errant Xenos.

Rollin' rollin' rollin'....

... Uh ... what ... those last minutes were a daze... I know I repaired a pod with the pods, and then...  I don't know....


No more warning alarms... No more robots ...   No sure what I have to do

Let's find my bots ! They must be in one of the restraint pod, but which one ? No idea. One chance out of two, hoping for no hull breach !


Dayyalu has reacted to this post.

Hurrah! We are no longer in danger of immediate death!

But now I feel porposeless. That feeling of danger was propelling me forward, filling my veins with adrenaline, and making life worth a lot more than ever.

I suppose all that is left is to round up the remaining specimens. We cannot get complacent yet; some of those are extremely dangerous.

Well, nothing in the Med Pod. I guess I will look around the Restraint Pod next.

Porkbelly has reacted to this post.

Time to check out the Dcon. See if I can find my prized petunias. Or maybe a space whale.

Porkbelly has reacted to this post.

I remember seeing a lizard-thing in the south pod near the lifts on level 1. Seemed passive.

Down on level 3 I'm busy wrestling an ornery blob-beast into the restraint pod. There's also an elephantine-beastie in the ExtLok on Level 3.

Do we know how many creatures are still out there? Teleman out.

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