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Recruiting crew for the B.S.M. Pandora maiden voyage !

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  Finally the bot. Taking control of the reconbot NOW !

ZAP !  ZAP ! ZAP ! ZAP !



  The way is clear !

Let's cart off the Murderomnid. Sadly I cannot carry the other one.

And now, more running < sigh >

Being "slow" is a pain.


I make my way to the Bot Pod and train my gun on the Folisaur there. The first shot does not seem to have much of an impact on the beast, but the second one puts it to sleep.

Unfortunately, it is far too heavy for me to carry on my own. I radio the CO to let him know that a pickup by his Ambot is required in Pod 7.

The Wargaming Scribe has reacted to this post.
The Wargaming Scribe

Conpod is still red. Are we sure that the only way we can fix this thing is with chewing gum and thinking really hard?

Quote from DDG Ahab on 19 April 2022, 15h27

Conpod is still red. Are we sure that the only way we can fix this thing is with chewing gum and thinking really hard?

It seems like this sort of situation was not foreseen by the higher-ups, so we do not have anything better than our own wits and hands, no. Just keep at it, I'm sure it will work eventually. You are one of the most qualified among us to do the job.

It's like that ancient story I once read about, where a huge (for the time) water ship was built, and they did not equip it with enough escape pods, or whatever the marine equivalent is, thinking it would not sink. Well, it did. It was called the Titanium, or something like that.

The Wargaming Scribe has reacted to this post.
The Wargaming Scribe

Taking a trip towards the back of the ship on level 3 and a large group of beasties is charging down the corridor at me.

I'm retreating to the bow... we could use a stun bomb down here! Teleman off.

The Wargaming Scribe has reacted to this post.
The Wargaming Scribe

  Christ, this is harder than expected. Ok, no tools, but I kinda think this is like the puzzle boxes from.... you cross yellow with green.... the first annnnnd....

  Awesome. Let's try it again.... blue with red.... fuck. Didn't work. Next turn, I guess.

However, a single line of code appeared from the garbled restart of the enviro pod. A single line of pure terror, glimpsed before control switched to the next player.



The Wargaming Scribe and Porkbelly have reacted to this post.
The Wargaming ScribePorkbelly

Too... Much... Running

OH MY GOD I AM BLEEDING ! I am going to die ! But why ...

Ha ! Only minor damage... Forget that this alien was not stunning anymore !

Bot ! Stun it !

Zap !

Nice ! I can't afford to neutralize that thing every turn so ... Bot - deliver a lethal dose with your stunner

Zap ! Zap ! Zap ! Zap !

Uh ! Does not seem very efficient ... Let's try something else. Bot ! Club the thing with your stunner.

  < hack > < hack > < hack > < hack >

  ACCRUED : 15 points !


Finally, I can access the pod safely... but .. HEY, THE BOT STOLE MY POINTS ! I DON'T GET THE 15 POINTS FROM THE BOT !

It also means that if the Pandora blow up the reconbot wins the game !

Finally, I will access the console... Hopefully it is green, or at least yellow. But with our luck...

Guys : Wild idea. If I repair the Evabot (which I suspect is easier to repair then a console, do you think 3 turns is enough to convoy the thing does to DDG ? We would need to put people on the way, because I simply cannot run as fast as the thing.

Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 22 April 2022, 10h51

Guys : Wild idea. If I repair the Evabot (which I suspect is easier to repair then a console, do you think 3 turns is enough to convoy the thing does to DDG ?

It is probably our best chance. And perhaps even our only one.

I have made it to Pod 8, close to you. I will help you repair the bot when I get there.

Still. Red. Starting to think this is bugged.


Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 22 April 2022, 10h51

Guys : Wild idea. If I repair the Evabot (which I suspect is easier to repair then a console, do you think 3 turns is enough to convoy the thing does to DDG ? We would need to put people on the way, because I simply cannot run as fast as the thing.

What if the Power Pod needs repair?

Dayyalu and Porkbelly have reacted to this post.

Heading up to Level 2 to help Hesiod.

We can double-up clobbering the panel it until it turns Yellow, and then can take turns cranking the Restart handle from the same pod.

We'll need that ornery Power pod into Yellow asap, and hopefully the last Yellow one on Level 3 will be Green by then. Teleman off.

Dayyalu has very high intelligence, so IMO he should beeline for the broken panel in the second floor, don a suit, and use that intelligence so repair the thing.

Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 22 April 2022, 10h51

Guys : Wild idea. If I repair the Evabot (which I suspect is easier to repair then a console, do you think 3 turns is enough to convoy the thing does to DDG ? We would need to put people on the way, because I simply cannot run as fast as the thing.

No. I'd try to repair the Power Pod instead. It's a roll of the dice, but it's better than nothing and our time is running out. About running out of time....






(Failed two times in a row to fix the Pod. RNG luck, I guess. I pray the Power Pod fares better. I'll run to the second level, but a rough estimate is that.... I'd need a suit right in my face while running towards the broken pod.)


Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 23 April 2022, 11h01

Dayyalu has very high intelligence, so IMO he should beeline for the broken panel in the second floor, don a suit, and use that intelligence so repair the thing.

I do too. And I also don't know to take the suit off.

Now I'm wondering if robots might be just naturally better at repairs. The Evabot is also remote controllable with the Dcon com. Does Teleman still have that?

My suggestion- first inspect the power pod. If it's red or yellow, fix the Evabot, use it to fix the power pod - this will help us learn how good it is at fixing stuff - and then send it toward the second floor and let Porkbelly take it the rest of the way.

Porkbelly has reacted to this post.

Yeah, seems no way to take these rigs off. What if we need to take a whiz?

Check, I have the Dcon com.. last time I looked at it none of the bots were responding.

Where is the Evabot?

Back when I tested the game, repair results were..... haphazard to say the least. A Very High Intelligence character could fail a repair for a good three turns in a row while an Average one could double repair a broken Pod in a single turn (for example, I needed five attempts in two turns to get Enviro to Green while the Restraint Pod was fixed in two).

I'd be curious to see again what are the underlying mechanics for rolls.

Too hard to tell just from eyeballing from the code, but basically it rolls a d6 and adds your rating.

I think an average intelligence has about 1 in 6 of going up a grade, and very intelligent should be 50/50. But I think there's always a chance of screwing up too, and I think rigs don't help.
The EvaBot or the Imrebot should have little trouble repairing any of these systems.

In the boardgame, the major systems are different from items, they have levels of 1-9, 1-3 red, 4-6 yellow, 6-9 green. So it is possible things are flipping up and down a point but you just don't see it.
Success in restarting the ship will depend on the ratings of those 5 major pods.
Dayyalu and DDG Ahab have reacted to this post.
DayyaluDDG Ahab

Let's examine the power pod. Oh boy, it is totally destroyed. Condition : Red. Ah, there is a report there. "6 minutes to shutdown". Well, I knew that.

Let's see if I can repair the bot... < vigorous kick > Ah ! It works. barely !

I need to repair the power pod, and the robot takes 8 seconds to travel what I take 11 seconds to travel, this means

< Intense calculation >

Yep, no time to send it down. It takes roughly 100 seconds by segment of corridors, and it has 4 to go through, plus lift and doors. Not a chance.

Let's use it to repair the power pod then. Nice UI with dropdown list. REPAIR => POD => POWER POD

Look at it going !

< Watches anxioulus >

Hey, it managed to repair the power pod to pristine green condition.

Now, to offload the murderoid somewhere, I am sure they'll fix the con pod soon !



Dayyalu and DDG Ahab have reacted to this post.
DayyaluDDG Ahab

Well, now it seems like I have come here for nothing.

Still, I am making my way to the now intact Power Pod, looking for productive things to do. On the way, I knock out a heavy Urasmax.

I shamble along to the pod (someone has been hogging all the bots it seems...) and take control of the heavy lifter bot.

I direct it back to the southern Restraint Pod, drop its deadly, but now subdued cargo, and get in position to pick up the large quadruped.

Porkbelly and DDG Ahab have reacted to this post.
PorkbellyDDG Ahab

Terse reports from Hesiod show that the Con pod is still out of order.

I should be able to make it there in my next move and will hold Hesiod's legs while he head butts the control panel. We might be doing this wrong.

If one of those repair bots can bring the right size screwdriver down here in the next 5 minutes maybe we can still restart the ship and save the princess.

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