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Game #10: Rebelstar Raiders

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Quote from Andnjord on 21 November 2023, 11h42

I inch up NORTHWARD (VERS LE NORD!) just enough to cover Fellow’s soon to come heroic charge while staying in cover.

So…is there anything like overwatch and cover in this game?

No overwatch. That's one of the few things missings to be a "one-level" X-COM 🙂

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I stay put for now, peeking out of my corner towards the northeast in case any of the purple men dare approach. If they do I shoot them, naturally.

So Tardis just picked up a hyperspace message requesting reinforcements. For such a good cause I decided to charge my laser gun and set the course of my space ship to the moon of Endor Pi. Arriving when backup is needed...

The Wargaming Scribe, Andnjord and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Wargaming ScribeAndnjordKarbonKittyBaron Rastignak
Quote from Operative Lynx on 22 November 2023, 0h42

So Tardis just picked up a hyperspace message requesting reinforcements. For such a good cause I decided to charge my laser gun and set the course of my space ship to the moon of Endor Pi. Arriving when backup is needed...

Deployment of reinforcement: immediate!



Welcome to battle, Operative Lynx. Don't pay attention to the soldier playing with the conveyor belt. Hopefully you will survive this.

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Strange Fellow
Quote from KarbonKitty on 21 November 2023, 18h42

Well, so it's not the whale that gets the poor captain in the end, huh?

I ever tell you how I lost my leg? Eaten by a whale off the coast of the Solomon Islands blew it up with grenades in the main-comp rebellion.

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The Wargaming ScribeKarbonKitty

Looks like the shortest route to the action is through the gap north-west of my position, so I move there. After reaching the mining robot north of the gap I start moving towards the current location of Strange. It looks like he is in the most dire need of cover fire.

I got a bit delayed, so I will only be able to update tomorrow - apologies for this.

Meanwhile, last chance for @captaingrimlock @hyme and @sir-duncan-el-torpe



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move NW and fire

Sorry for the silence, when I signed up I thought I’d have more free time. I don’t see this changing anytime soon, sadly.

IV. Close Assault

The team progresses quickly.

On the right, two pairs - one active, one inactive - destroys one robot and neutralize one guard. Andnjord mows down another.

In the middle, Argyraspide misses with his 'nade, blowing up the door. Rastignak jumps out and shot down one of the guard, but he does not have the time to return. Operator Lynx arrives to add some more muscles!

On the left, Porkbelly enters the large room, followed by Dayyalu. Let's ignore Gubisson.


The turn of the stooges of Main-Comp does not go well for the Resistance. One of the guards enters the room with Porkbelly and shoots him at point bank range. He survives, but barely. On the other hand Dayyalu is gunned down by the head technician:

Worse, in the middle, a guard kills Rastignak and immediately after that Argyraspide!

The resistance is down to 10 men & women, 2 of them (Porkbelly and Strange) badly wounded. On the side, they have 4 guards left and 3 technicians, but the 6 remaining combat bots (NOT the mining bots) are now activated. They are slow (6 MPs) but armoured.

It could still go either way!

Dayyalu, Andnjord and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
DayyaluAndnjordStrange FellowBaron Rastignak

Tell my... grenades I loved them...

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Strange FellowLanHawkBaron Rastignak


What do you mean we didn't think to bring one along?!

You should have told me before I went to fight shirtless!


moving N N and NW and ready to shoot

Zap the pink dude and pray he goes down.

I step off the first escalator and make my way to the second escalator, in as fewer moves as possible (I'm not slacking off! Just need to ... rest my feet.... for a second...)

Hmm, the guards don't seem to be so out-of-shape after all. Has Main-Comp been feeding us with false intelligence, and this is actually a trap to crush the resistance?

Too bad that we have lost our grenadiers, they would be really useful now for crowd control. Since we don't have grenades it would be best to move cautiously. I move at first to the escalator opening two steps north of the mining robot, then take cover in the left side corner of the opening.

Since Porkbelly will be having his last stand moment in the west, I suggest that you MK move yourself in such a way that you could support me and Gubisson coming out of the escalator guns blazing during the following turn.

While crouching in the corner, during the first half of the enemy turn I will be looking at the corpse of Argyraspide and day-dream about how those grenades could save the day. And during the second half of the enemy turn I will be cursing the gods of this universe for not allowing secondary weapons.

Ok, slowly, slowly.... Pork, slow down, we're not gettin... is that a technician? They should not be armed anAAAAAAAA





I did wholeheartedly hope that God here wasn't a rat and instead a grumpy old man or a woman in skimpy white clothing, but I guess this is what I get for jumping in an inane mission. Not that I care, I got a clone package. How do I get back?

 But the clones are not you in essence. Dayyalu II will probably die in another of my schemes for amusement, but you here must choose your future very carefully. I have a proposal for you.


I require some mortals to play for me a game. A game of Kings. Of Parthian Kings, I may add. You will organize and lead a kingdom, with an obtuse interface and with no good idea about the combat resolution, and of course the points rules are utterly bullshit. And you will have to fight three more lost souls like yourself. All to amuse me, of course.

And if I refuse?

Grud hell.

Sign me up, can't wait. What emulator are we using?

The Wargaming Scribe, Strange Fellow and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Wargaming ScribeStrange FellowArgyraspideBaron RastignakOperative Lynx

Missing @morpheus-kitami ,@karbonkitty @andnjord and @strange-fellow in addition to Hyme & Captain.

The cavalry is here! It's time to lead the charge. I bravely round my corner and head north, destroying everything in my path, like so:

Why did nobody think of doing that before?!

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