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List of future multiplayer games - registration open

Hello folks,

Over time, I created a small list of wargames that I would love to test in multiplayer. With the end of the Nebula PBEM, I can dig through the list.

Anyone can register, I will see what interest people if any, and then organize PBEM. Note that I need to have your email.
If you have an issue creating an account, which is probable because my site has some lingering issues I have not had the time to fix, send me an email at

I am going to split them into two categories
Update: 06/06/2024

  • The multiple-player games - more than 2 players. We start them when full, and only one at a time
    • Warlords
    • Reach for the Stars
    • Conquest of Chesterwoode
  • The two-player games,
    • Paris in Danger
    • War 70

The lists will be in the following messages, ranked by order of priority (= how much I want to play them).


Currently on call:

- Dayyalu
- Porkbelly
- Argyraspide
- Morpheus Kitami
- Ahab
- KarbonKity
- Baron Rastignak
- Operative Lynx

Strange Fellow has reacted to this post.
Strange Fellow

Slot for multiple players game :

Multiple player games :


1. Parthian Kings (1983)

  • Prio : High
  • Number of players : 4
  • Why this game : Acclaimed in multiplayer according to reviews, and it does indeed look interesting. I need to check it.
  • How much do I vouch for the game : Highly. I covered it on my blog


2. Apocalypse (1983)

  • Prio : High
  • Number of players : 4, maybe more in some scenarios
  • Why this game : Huge success for Red Shift, several add-on were released, and first Game Workshop port. It looks like a game that made an impact.
  • How much do I vouch for the game : Average. It may have aged horribly.
  • Note : Several scenarios, several platforms, so more choice to make


3. Warlords, 1978

  • Prio : Average
  • Number of players : 4
  • Why this game :  It is one of the very first strategy games, given its release date. It seems playable
  • How much do I vouch for the game : Not much, it might be terrible, but it looks like it should be short
  • Comment : The game was covered by Retro365 here


4. Reach for the Stars (1983)

  • Prio : Average
  • Number of players : 4
  • Why this game : Ultra classic. Not as prio as it could be because it was covered thoroughly in many places.
  • How much do I vouch for the game : Very highly. I covered it on my blog


5. The Dark Forest (1981)

  • Prio : Average-Low
  • Number of players : 5
  • Why this game : Extremely easy to play, and one fun feature : NPCs are relentless and may very well kill players who allocate too much efforts against the other players.
  • How much do I vouch for the game : Average. My article is ready, and the game is horrible in single player... but may shine in multi.



6. Lordlings of Yore (1983)

  • Prio : Low
  • Number of players : 4
  • Why this game : Another game I found that seems designated for multiplayer. It has a weird but interesting ruleset, but also some frustrating features
  • How much do I vouch for the game : Average; It can go either way


7. Conquest of Chesterwoode (1981)

  • Prio : Low
  • Number of players : 4
  • Why this game :  It is one of the two strategy games of Adventure International
  • How much do I vouch for the game : Very little, I have not even tested it yet. I remember @Porkbelly mentioned it.



Porkbelly has reacted to this post.

Slots for two-player games - only 2 Spectrum games for now.
No Rebelstar, for now at least. I have some other projects for it, and I am not in 1984 yet anyway !


A. Dreadnoughts (1983)

  • Prio : High
  • Why this game : It isLothlorien, and it looks fun. It is an early an ambitious naval tactics game.
  • How much do I vouch for the game : I have no really tested the game much, but the rules seem simple & effective


B. Battle 1917 (1983)

  • Prio : Average
  • Why this game : It won a competition for games in 1983, including against non-wargames.
  • How much do I vouch for the game : Average. I played it : it is well-designed and a game should be fast.


Dayyalu and Porkbelly have reacted to this post.

Of the multi-multiplayer games, my vote for starting goes:

  • Parthian Kings (your review was wonderful)
  • The Dark Forest (hope I read the article soon, looks.... interesting)
  • Apocalypse (Tabletop ports are usually devent)

If you want I can join you for Dreadnoughts. I did my first LP on Rule the Waves, after all, it's a return to form! (Even if I did not have the time and will to try RTW3.....)

The Wargaming Scribe, Strange Fellow and Porkbelly have reacted to this post.
The Wargaming ScribeStrange FellowPorkbelly

Apocalypse might be nice.

I might also be up for the TRS-80 games and Battle 1917 assuming we can get an emulator that would work for me and everyone else playing.

The Wargaming Scribe and Porkbelly have reacted to this post.
The Wargaming ScribePorkbelly

Put me down for:

  • Parthian Kings
  • Apocalypse
  • Battle 1917
Porkbelly has reacted to this post.

Hi all, a long time reader, first time poster, as it usually goes.

I like computer strategy games, though not very proficient in them (if they're not Heroes of Might & Magic, or classic tactics like XCom or Jagged Alliance), somewhat better in RTS. Anyway, I'd like to sign up as well.

I'm good enough in emulation, so just let me know what software you're usually using - chances are, I'm already know how to use some of it. I've never tried PBEM, so probably could begin with something easier like Reach for the Stars (I think I played the DOS version some years ago) or The Dark Forest, but actually it could be anything you don't have enough players signed, I'll try my best.

Dayyalu, Strange Fellow and Porkbelly have reacted to this post.
DayyaluStrange FellowPorkbelly

Welcome @baron-rastignak ! Hopefully you will like our tiny club !

Here is the score so far :

  • Parthian Kings : XX
  • Apocalypse : XXX
  • Warlords
  • Reach for the Stars: X
  • The Dark Forest : XX
  • Lordlings of Yore :
  • Conquest of Chesterwoode : X

I am still on holiday for 10 days, so more people can throw their votes !

Dayyalu, Strange Fellow and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
DayyaluStrange FellowPorkbellyMorpheus KitamiBaron Rastignak

I'm game for anything on the Apple II or TRS-80. In order of preference:

Parthian Kings, Dark Forest, RFTS, Lordlings of Yore, Chesterwoode, Warlords.

I vaguely recall that Call-Apple re-released Lordlings of Yore in a new box a few years ago. I think the developer wrote this for classroom play. Should be possible to track him down.

The Wargaming Scribe has reacted to this post.
The Wargaming Scribe

Thanks all. That's the final score :

  • Parthian Kings : XXX
  • Apocalypse : XXX
  • Warlords : X
  • Reach for the Stars: XX
  • The Dark Forest : XXX
  • Lordlings of Yore : X
  • Conquest of Chesterwoode : XX

We are going to start with ...

  • the Dark Forest (Baron, Dayyalu, Porkbelly and myself) , because it is quite simpler to set up than Parthian Kings, and because our newcomer Baron Rastignak put it on top.
  • Apocalypse (Dayyalu, MK, Argyra and myself), provided Dayyalu is OK with 2 games in //
  • If not, MK and Argyra (and Dayyalu again) will fight epic Spectrum duels !

I will send the email before the end of the WE

Dayyalu, Strange Fellow and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
DayyaluStrange FellowArgyraspideMorpheus KitamiBaron Rastignak
Quote from The Wargaming Scribe on 17 August 2023, 14h38
  • provided Dayyalu is OK with 2 games in //


Dominions 6 isn't out until December, I should have enough time. Who needs sleep, anyway.

I would place my participation for the Star Trek mainframe games into doubt, tho. I've run some tests and despite finding the idea fascinating, they're both clunky and .... the spark didn't lit honestly.



The Wargaming Scribe, Dayyalu and Morpheus Kitami have reacted to this post.
The Wargaming ScribeDayyaluMorpheus Kitami

Reopening this thread. I removed Dark Forest from the list ("done") and Lordlings of Yore because I absolutely don't want to play it again.


I will move shortly to the two-player games, but if you have updated preference for the multiplayer games, please say it.

Also, if you are a newcomer, don't hesitate to register. With some luck the next game will be just as good as the previous one !

Argyraspide has reacted to this post.

I would love to try playing in one of the multiplayer games! I should be able to run whatever y'all throw at me, hopefully, unless you end up giving me a Mac-only emulator 😉 Also, I will probably get eradicated, but that's life. 😀

Quote from KarbonKitty on 16 October 2023, 20h21

I would love to try playing in one of the multiplayer games! I should be able to run whatever y'all throw at me, hopefully, unless you end up giving me a Mac-only emulator 😉 Also, I will probably get eradicated, but that's life. 😀

Added to my list. Which game do you favour ?

I'd say Apocalypse or Chesterwoode? To be honest, I have no strong preferences. 🙂

Two "big" games side to side is a bit more than I can handle, so for now I launched a Parthian Kings battle with Argyra/Dayyalu and Porkbelly (+ a Dreadnought with Dayyalu).

After that, it will be time for Apocalypse with MK, KarbonKitty and either Argyra or Dayyalu (or a new contender), + the Battle 1917 games. Apologies for the delay.

Argyraspide and Baron Rastignak have reacted to this post.
ArgyraspideBaron Rastignak

I'd like to add myself to the roster of players. I have to admit that I have a rather low tolerance for cumbersome UI (which is why many of the games covered so far in this blog have been more fun to read about than to play myself) and thus have quite limited experience with emulators. But, since Fuse turned out to be quite easy to use and Chaos a fun experience (despite my early demise), I could be willing to expand my experiences.

As for the games, from those listed so far, Apocalypse could have been interesting and Reach for the Stars (especially since the third edition is DosBOX compatible) as well.

Pushing this one up if new people want to be put on the list. I updated the first message of this thread.